KCCNY Board meeting 7/10/2023


Activities Peter Nolan
tom wants to get more TRIPS on there. Peter has nothing specific to report.

BBQ at the last mongaup at the MAKE OUT TAKE OUT before the bridge. Nice location, Frank and Chris BBQ’d hung out in woods by the river, much more pleasant place.


TOM created a coordinator yet to be determined trips august and September Mongaup trips. These trips are likely to happen, just needs people to step up and coordinate them. Get waivers, look out for newbies,

SEAN will pick up a few, look at the website and pick a few.


July 15th> TOM coordinating SEAN K will put BBQ on raft and have lunch at the BOOF rock.

SEAN C AND ROB will do safety throw rope and wading practice.

Sun, Jul 30   1 B SEAN K

Sat, Aug 12    1B NEED

Sun, Aug 27   2B Peter Nolan

Sept 9th 2B NEED


Website and blog> not having releases was a problem, TOM put a few releases on the website. TOM saw that AW has a beta system for a release schedule. Will try to work their schedule into the KCCNY.org website. There is a link on the AGENDA for the release schedule. TOM Added mongaup to the list very easily. TOM integrating mail chimp with the member list.


Membership Keith Cooper
Guests- Now have to be a guest to join a trip.
Revise membership status. Converting everyone manually to current.

Memberlist> KEITH or someone walk through the list of members and make them either full or check in on current memberships. KEITH will also make sure that all members are signed up for newsletter list.

Publicity/ Publications Melissa Spooner
Evergreen brochure assembled by Keith. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ajl66pCDDOs7wn0GQTtm1IDNkib7_RmU/view?usp=sharing
MOTION: $300 for printing with final approval with Publicity Committee. (Anyone want to join Publicity? Keith, Sean C.?)

Possible Emails about rejoining. Upgrading membership from limited to full?
Scanning old newsletters – Danielle Fish, granddaughter of Jack Goldstein, one of kccny’s founders, found a lot of old newsletters predating what we have on file. Anyone have high speed scanner? Skills at digitizing? Tom already authorized kccny pay for shipping.


Newsletter content> They are going out fairly regularly, but not too often, according to MELISSA. Want to make sure we get in front of pool people twice a month? Actual summer trips once a month? SEAN will take up some writing.

MAILCHIMP> 30 a month for emailing list/tools.

KEITH is writing up a brochure and is updating it/almost done. Put in dates and locations for events/pool session put in “for rates, check out the website” No mention of Fee, just have it be on the website. QR code.

MAILOUTS> sending out brochure/letter with a sticker. About $100 according to Melissa. We can try to get non-profit (we are one) from the post office. ARTHUR will own this task.


MAILOUTS> sending out brochure/letter with a sticker. About $100 according to Melissa. We can try to get non-profit (we are one) from the post office. ARTHUR will own this task.


BUDGET> Budget is $500 (tom said $300)

– Net margin of 1,500 budget for the year. Insurance is at 1,562.

– operating budget is 4,201

– 2691 on events, food, camping thus far. Proposed for year is 2,750.

– NO charitable fees

– OPERATIONS: 6,600 spent on expenses software, processing fees, Proposed 8,022.

– NET MARGIN for operations is 1510.02 at the moment

Safety Sean Kraft –
Flyer for Mongaup put in? mongaup-safety-messages. Request that we remove safety advice and could use a tightening up.
Sean C. and Frank hope to do some safety exercises at the Mongaup lunch spot this Sunday such as throw rope and wading.

Conservation/Access Keith Cooper

Frank made our contribution to AW $500

Moodna Gauge deemed a success, though the solar turned out to be upgrade and it does need premium batteries and an sd card to work, so will be about $25 year to maintain. Rechargeable upgrade possible. Possibly on other ungauged rivers like the creeks near the Toh or into the Lehigh. Could be good club publicity. https://rivercam.io/.

Finance Frank Chiocco
Present balance sheet and revised budget – need to get this in a form that can show the membership we are being good stewards of the moneys.

Budget at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CNCo-ecczLZOC8ta2mgRkYtTFRq_UN5w/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108763507654058493911&rtpof=true&sd=true .

Pool Sessions Mark Voorhees –

Training/ Instruction Jesse Koproski.

Bringing back previously approved program we put together for training.


This has been slightly edited for simplicity and account, but overall dollar amounts are unchanged.

Jessie has not had time to do much about training. Talking about bringing Deerfield Demo Day people on the Dryway (folks who only did fifebrook). Frank suggests that some people could get out at Dunbar Brook.  Jessie suggests some kind of “stepup to Dryway” training on the Mongaup. Or do this on 08/5 which is Deerfield fest. Left this open to be organized.

Andy Suggests: Dryway training:  Saturday run Zoar Gap many times, catching all eddies, run every line. upstream ferries, etc.  The paddlers that are paddling well with control and confidence on Zoar Gap, are ready for the challenge of the dryway.

Equipment Christopher Dubetsky.
Acquired more boats. RPM, Super EZ, another Booster 50.
Frank to be working on security and getting some boats to his place.

We own a trailer that could be converted to carry boats. Anyone?



Annual dinner. Frank? Definitely rave reviews last year.

  • Frank mentioned that we can do this at VFW

Nominations for Nominations Committee?

  • Tom has been doing a lot of work, he’s not going to be able to keep this up


New Business:

Selling boats at better price to members. NOTE WE OWN 2 BOOSTERS AND THESE ARE DEFINITELY NOT BEGINNER BOATS;-) but someone may like them.


Buying raft:

  • Melissa asks – Do we have anyone trained as a raft guide?
  • What kind of raft?
    • Sean’s RMR has been working well.
    • Do we know anyone who knows about rafts?
    • Where will the raft be kept?
    • Frank might buy a raft soon for himself




  1. Motion to approve minutes from last minute > All approved


  1. Free group camping for out of state registrars for group sites when it saves the club money. > all approved