We usually do not post the time or meeting place of trips on our website, because we want potential participants to contact the trip coordinator in advance and discuss their qualifications, abilities and preparedness for the conditions expected. Participants are responsible for discussing the trip candidly with the trip coordinator in order to make a determination as to whether the trip or event, at the expected water levels and weather conditions, is appropriate for them.

If you are interested in joining one of our trips register or contact the coordinator, letting them know your equipment and experience. Though we prefer you join KCCNY, guests can attend 3 KCCNY trips before our insurance requires joining.


Most of our trips our on class 2 and above whitewater for which you need a minimum of:

  • Whitewater boat with floatation. Recreational and sea kayaks don’t cut it.
  • Spray skirt for kayaks or full float bags for whitewater canoes.
  • Life jacket aka PFD (Personal Flotation Device)
  • Whitewater helmet with a hard shell designed for multiple impacts. No bicycle helmets.
  • Whitewater paddle which is stiffer and stonger than recreational paddles.
  • Shoes that will stay on in a hard swim. No croks.
  • Clothing sufficient for paddling and swimming. In summer this can be next to nothing. In winter and spring wetsuits or even dry suits may be required.

Lot’s more is recommended. See our beginning whitewater paddling for a lot more details.

For class 1 and below, we still require a helmet in whitewater kayaks on rivers or surf, but not in boats and places where hitting your head hard is unlikely and inflatable PFDs can be used.

When in doubt equipment validity is up to the coordinator, the group but we must at least follow ACA (American Canoe Association) guidelines.
KCCNY has most equipment available for loan to get you started.

lead a tripInsurance Waivers

In order to participate you must be a member or guest. Waivers are now part of the sign up process and you won’t be able to register unless you’ve approve the waiver*.

At KCCNY we have Coordinators!

KCCNY club trips are characterized by all the paddlers contributing what knowledge and experience they possess towards the group’s fun and safety on the river. A trip coordinator is merely a club member who has volunteered to arrange the meeting of interested members to paddle at a particular place and time. While coordinators often have specific knowledge of the river in question, detailed river knowledge is not part of their responsibility. Once on the river, coordinators have no burdens as guide or trip leader.

Helping and shuttling

Everyone is expected to help out and help with shuttle. Simple as that. If you don’t want to be part of a team and work together there’s plenty of commercial operations that will take care of things for you. We’re all volunteers doing this for fun, so contribute cheerfully.

Details about participation

Any participant that the coordinator feels is not suited for the trip shall not be permitted to participate. This may include, but is not limited to, assessment of skill level, appropriate clothing and equipment and its condition, and suspected use of alcohol or illegal drugs. Any paddler whose conduct is, in the opinion of the trip coordinator, potentially hazardous to him or herself or to the group will be asked to leave the group. KCCNY understands that volunteer coordinators need to make a decision based on the overall group safety and often with limited information on abilities and risks. Other than adhering to KCCNY’s anti-discrimination policy, the decision is entirely up to the coordinator.

If a potential participant doesn’t agree with the decision of the coordinator, they should contact us or reach out to the safety or activities chair or any board member.
The coordinator and trip participants may decide that participants are not suited at the beginning or even during a trip. Beyond offering reasonable assistance to get the participant back to their transportation the coordinator and participants bear no further responsibility. Conditions change and the safety of the participant and the group is paramount. Participants should fully and accurately explain their skills and experience when they sign up or directly to the coordinator.

The trip coordinator has the authority to adjust the specifics of the trip, including the river (and the section of the river) to be paddled, to account for conditions existing at the time of the event, such as weather, water levels, or the specific make-up of the group (i.e. number of paddlers, ability levels, etc.).

This means that any member can coordinate a trip, even on a river they aren’t familiar with and even if they aren’t able to rescue in all situations. Learn more about the responsibilities of coordinating or coordinate a trip yourself.

*Parents/ legal guardians do need to fill out a waiver for minors.