KCCNY Board Meeting Minutes – 03/11/2024 – (Secretary – Peter Nolan)

Attendees: Sean Kraft, Tom Hart, Arthur Block, Eric Werner, Andrew Laiosa, Melissa Spooner

Frank Chicco, David Rosenfeld

Meetings on second Monday every other month – 01/08/2024, 03/11/2024, 05/06/2024/, 07/08/2024, 09/10/2024, Annual Meeting – 11/09/2024

Zoom opened at 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


The meeting started at eight 8 pm.

Approved the last meeting’s minutes.

  1. Bylaw Revision Committee: Sean Kraft/Tom Hart/Art Block
    • Non-discrimination statement, changed terminology to “Paddlesports” instead of strictly “kayaking and canoeing”.
    • Numerous other changed to reflect how we are actually working and not mandate things in bylaws such as being a member of ACA.
    • Changes were posted at KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB OF NEW YORK-proposed 0324(word doc).
    • Requested a special members meeting on 05/06/2024 at 7:45 to amend
  1. Activities: Peter Nolan

_ Peter to contact AMC to see if we could do some joint trips.

AMC Coordination Meeting


Date and Time Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 7:30PM – 9:00PM


Zoom Link provided when you register,

New York, New York City,

Registration is required for this activity.

  1. Blog/Website: Tom Hart
  • Zoom subscription – turned out to be about $100 yearly – $18 was for purchase of a discount code from Tech Soup, $79.99 is discount subscription cost. Sean went ahead and paid the extra $79.99 for this year and we’ll reevaluate next February.
  • Sean Kraft bought $100 zoom subscription. Tech soup.
  • And we got quickbooks.
  1. Membership: Erik Werner
  • Added pronouns to online membership form to make use more inclusive. He/him, She/her, They/them (not required that they fill out the field).
  • 89 full (11 not waivered), 5 low income, 6 non paddler, 3 youth.
  1. Publicity/Publications: Melissa Spooner or Sean Creamer
    Evergreen brochure assembled by Keith. – on the back burner for now. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ajl66pCDDOs7wn0GQTtm1IDNkib7_RmU/view?usp=sharing
    Sending out a letter with a sticker would be a great idea.

Mailchimp limits – We need to pay for a little while at least. About $30 month.
Possible Emails about rejoining.

  1. Safety: Sean Kraft
  • CURRENT INSURANCE Paddlesport Risk Management.
  • Directors and officer’s (D&O) – Paddlesport Risk Management has quoted $816 annual for 1 Million in coverage.
  1. Conservation/Access: Tom Hart
  • Esopus -March 27th there is an online meeting of streamshed working group. Myles Gordon to attend.
  • Mongaup schedule is posted on release page; awaits official FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) approval. Optimistic that relicensing will be approved this year so more releases next year.
  1. Finance: Tom Hart

As our last several treasurers used to say, we have money.



  • TechSoup – New subscription purchased and old one cancelled.
  1. Pool Sessions: Mark Voorhees
  • We discussed if sessions are getting to crowded and if we should charge more for sea kayaks.
  • We discussed Cash tip to guards.
  • Thank you Eric Werner for coordinating the pool sessions
  1. Training/Instruction: Andy Liaosa

Bringing back previously approved program we put together for training.


We are contacting Alex and Hannah regarding step up in the Adirondacks.

Potential trip in mid-June or August

They could be guests for the weekend, insured under us.

  1. Equipment: Christopher Dubetsky
    We own a trailer that could be converted to carry boats.


  1. Announcements: Sean Kraft
  1. New Business:
  • Sean Kraft – Proposal to use BitWarden to save passwords needed for KCCNY, Zoom, Bank, Quickbooks etc.
  • Sean Kraft has two Perception sea kayaks donated to the club. Do we have official forms to give a receipt to the person who gave these to me?


  1. Last meeting’s minutes were approved – Sean Kraft, seconded by Eric Werner,
  1. Motion was passed to have 2nd meeting to revise bylaws at beginning of May board meeting.

Proposed by Tom Hart, seconded by Sean Kraft

3. Motion was passed to have pronouns on the form.

4. Motion was passed to approve the use of BitWarden

5. Motion to appropriate up to $250 for pool life guards was passed.

  1. Motion was passed to adjourn.