Attendees: Sean Kraft, Tom Hart, Arthur Block, Eric Werner, Andrew Laiosa, Melissa Spooner, Helga Trocha, Sean Creamer, Frank Chicco, David Rosenfeld

Meetings on second Monday every other month – 01/08/2024, 03/11/2024, 05/13/2024/, 07/08/2024, 09/10/2024, Annual Meeting – 11/09/2024

Zoom opened at 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

The meeting started at eight 8 pm.

Bylaw Revision Meeting:Sean Kraft/Tom Hart/Art Block

We had the necessary quorum of 10% (12 people) of voting members.

  • Non-discrimination statement, change to “Paddlesports” instead of strictly “kayaking and canoeing” to allow for rafting, etc.
  • Numerous other changes to reflect how we are actually working and not mandate things in bylaws such as being a member of ACA, eliminating term limits if no other person can be found, removing the mandate on membership fees and classes.
  • Change safety committee to risk management and redefined responsibilities.
  • Feasting added to annual dinner to promote more BBQs etc. for club bonding, access added to conservation.
  • Numerous grammatical corrections.
  • Changes are posted at KAYAK AND CANOE CLUB OF NEW YORK-proposed 0324(word doc).
    (Track changes was used which will be removed after approval and Tom Hart shares an office license so edits by Dan@bowerwebsolu…were done by Tom).

We discussed Bylaw Revisions.

Art moved to approve bylaws,

Members approved.

Board Meeting:

 Approve the last meeting’s minutes.    Sean moved, Frank seconded.

  1. Activities: Peter Nolan
  • Review overall plan for 2024
  • Give away guest memberships that doesn’t cost anything to get folks to sign up and do official trips. Code thanksforguidingwill give someone a free guest membership.  Discussed the free guest trip,
  • Lehigh schedule:
    • May: 11, 18, 25, 26; June: 8, 9, 22, 23; July: 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28; August: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24*, 25*, 31*; September: 1*
  • We have Mohawk group site for Deerfieldfest. Any Mass residents who might be attending who can register? AMC has a conflict. What’s the interest? 1st weekend of August.
  • Helga is proposing a trip to the Lehigh June 8-9 and the Deerfield June 15-16 or June 29-30 – She is interested in organizing training.
  • Frank is interested in doing more raft trips, completing the purchase of a raft and possibly having some kind of raft training trip.


  1. Pool Sessions:

Make a rack that could ease storing and locking boats.
Work more closely with kayak polo so we don’t compete time-wise.
Scheduling and costs – skip Toh weekend. Limited interest in April.
Note: Cash tip as approved in previous meetings will be (or has been) delivered by Chris D. to Michele.

Chris got cash for lifeguards.


  1. Website: Tom Hart. Feedback? Site works well, Frank gets email from applicants with what they’ve padded before,


  1. Feasting and Annual Dinner: Assuming bylaws passed, propose Frank for Food Chair (formerly annual dinner) with budget Whiskey Roads was good, Frank recommends. Feasted for bargain. Frank and Eric will work on food. Restaurant Depot prices are much lower.


  1. Finance: Tom Hart
    As our last several treasurers used to say, we have money. For more details, please see:

Profit and Loss
Balance Sheet


  1. Gear: We could use some helmets.


  1. Membership:Erik Werner: Membership is good over 100 almost.


  1. Publicity/Publications:Melissa Spooner or Sean Creamer
    Evergreen brochure assembled by Keith. 


Melissa made black and white brochure.

MailChimp limits-  Tom suggests paring list below 500 to save 27$/month for awhile which would mean eliminated 200 or so folks who seldom open the emails.

  1. Safety: Sean Kraft
    CURRENT INSURANCE Paddlesport Risk Management.
    Directors and officer’s (D&O) – Paddlesport Risk Management purchased for  $816 annual for 1 Million in coverage. If anyone wants to review the details here’s the actual contract.

Sean to reach out to insurance about the # of members.


  1. Conservation/Access: Tom Hart
    Questions as to how to get feedback such as for rescheduling of Mongaup.
    Esopus– Loretta taking lead in working with  Bob Nasdor from American Whitewater and Myles Gordon.
    Mongaup. Having others take point in communicating with Eagle Creek the dam operator? NJBoofer may be the liaison officer for Eagle Creek.
    Adirondack Rivers is the major AW push.
    Moodna Tom spoke with Kenny the river right property owner  at first/Rt. 32 dam and he’s good with KCCNY portaging (carefully and quickly).
    Croton Tom M. has posted sign above strainer on right channel of island.


  1. Training/Instruction:Andy Liaosa
    Reminder of previously approved program we put together for training. Never heard from Alex and Hannah for step up in the Adirondacks.


  1. Equipment:Christopher Dubetsky
    We own a trailer that could be converted to carry boats. Anyone?
    Online form is live. KCCNY EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT Member to KCCNY .


  1. Motion to buy jackson Zen 65 with PFD and paddle from member David Deleski for $250
    1. Seconded by Tom
    2. Approved


  1. Motion to buy Small Jackson Karma with Skirt from member Frank Chiocco for $150
    1. Seconded by Chris D.
    2. Approved


Motion was passed to adjourn