Pool Session to try everything from basic handling to advanced playboating to working on that all important roll.
2 hour pool sessions at the Garfield, NJ Boys and Girls club for the 2024-25 season, Saturdays from 2 to 4 from December thru March except those that conflict with holiday (so no session between xmas and New Year’s and likely no session Toh weekend, the 3rd weekend of March, if the release happens).
Though there are usually many skilled kayakers at each session, if a trained instructor is planning on being at the session we’ll post in that session.
Trained instructors interested in teaching should contact us.
- All boats must be washed before each pool session, in plain view, on the deck of the pool, before the boat is placed in the water. All water contained in boats must be dumped onto the deck surrounding the pool and the owner must immediately properly discard of any debris.
- Remove float bags, throw ropes…anything that might hold debris.
- We reserve the right to refuse entry if you show up with a dirty boat. Sorry, but dirty boats lose pools.

You can attend up to 3 events including pool sessions as a guest.
Pool sessions are generally $20 for adults, $10 for minors.
For full members there are deals on larger blocks such as 5 sessions for $80/$40 and the full season at less then $15/session.
We have plenty of skilled instructors at all sessions who can help with getting you started and basic rolling. Just ask (or flounder and someone will probably offer to help).
- Many sessions will have more specialized instruction from safety to play boating to sea kayak re-entry which will be noted in the individual session.
- A helmet and a personal flotation device must be worn in the water.
- No one may stand, swim or be in the water unless they are in a boat or are an instructor actively teaching.
- We’ll put a limit on the # of folks as we don’t want it to get too crowded (but we’re OK with pretty crowded).
- The Pool Coordinator(s) are the authority at pool sessions and KCCNY reserves the right to expel anyone who does not follow the lifeguard’s and or the Event Coordinator’s instructions as well as these rules.
- Equipment is available to borrow including boats, paddles, skirts helmets and life jackets but takes time to arrange so reach out well beforehand. Details on borrowing equipment.
- If you’re bringing a boat other than a whitewater kayak note that when you sign up. Don’t expect to paddle a larger boat around much but you should be able to practice rolls and re-entries.
- Fragile boats are not recommended. Neither KCCNY nor the participants will be responsible for equipment damage. Getting a long or big boat in the pool is challenging thru the double doors. The largest boat we’ve gotten in are narrow 18 foot sea kayaks.
About the Garfield Pool
The parking lot is on the right side of the building. Drive up to the upper lot.
You can enter the pool deck directly by going through the door nearest the back corner of the building which has an arrow on it saying pool entrance and pointing towards the street. This allows you to bring your boat directly into the pool.
The entrance has an awkward turn so longer or wider boats may be difficult or impossible to get in. The largest boats we’ve ever had are narrow 18 foot sea kayaks.
You can arrive as much as 30 minutes early to change and be ready to get your full 2 hours, but please stay out of the way of folks who precede us.
Changing rooms are thru the door by the bleachers.
- We’ll try to offer a reasonable price, but renting a pool is expensive. We hope to not lose money, but if we make some KCCNY traditionally donates most of our ‘profit’ to organizations that further our cause. We’ve donated as much as $1250 in recent years to such organizations as American Whitewater, American Rivers, Hackensack and Hudson RiverKeeper and many more. Learn more.
Want to learn about pool sessions and everything else we do? Join our mailing list.

Pool Session #10
Coordinator: Mark Voorhees .

All Remaining Pool Sessions
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Playboating Clinic
Coordinator: John Scelba .

Pool Session #11
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Pool Session #12
Coordinator: Mark Voorhees .

Pool Session
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Pool Session
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Pool Session
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Pool Session
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .