Any KCCNY members can coordinate.
Oct 2024
Middle Moose River (Class 3)
Come boat with us at Moosefest 2024! Lots of options this weekend depending on skill level. There are Class IV and V sections of the Moose, but we’re offering a 8.5-9 mile Class III paddle, with some optional III+/IVs.
Coordinator: Andrea Dover .
Nov 2024
Tohickon (Class 3)
The Tohickon is the last northeast release of the year and the traditional end of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river.
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .
Tohickon (Class 3) Rafting
The Tohickon is the last northeast release of the year and the traditional end of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river.
Coordinator: Frank Chiocco .
Annual Meeting (save the date)
Location will most likely be in suburban NJ or NY with time, cost all TBD, but we'll talk about club stuff then talk about paddling [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator to be determined .
May 2025
Cheat Fest is the annual celebration hosted by Friends of the Cheat on the banks of the Cheat River. Boaters, music lovers, and families enjoy a day full of live music, dancing, art, vendors, and fun.
Coordinator: Tom Hart .