
The  first  club in  the  east  to  put  kayaks  first.

Join now and your membership is good thru the end of 2025.


Welcome to the Kayak and Canoe Club of New York, your gateway to unforgettable water adventures! KCCNY is dedicated to helping individuals of all skill levels experience the thrill of whitewater rafting, kayaking, and canoeing in the diverse waterways of the Northeast.

If you’re new to paddling in rapids, we’ve got you covered! As a member, you’ll enjoy a range of benefits. Our experienced paddlers are eager to teach you the fundamentals, provide loaner boats for your initial trips, and guide you through carefully planned river excursions to help you improve your skills. More about getting starting paddling whitewater.

kayak grand central - kayakers descent the light beams and pose on the floor of this iconic grand central imageExperienced boaters will find a welcoming community at KCCNY. Join our club and you’ll quickly make friends with fellow members during our numerous coordinated trips throughout the year. As an added bonus, our club’s insurance coverage allows you to plan and coordinate your own trips with peace of mind.
Learn more about coordinating trips with KCCNY.

Our schedule has trips for the normal rainy seasons, most mid-Atlantic whitewater releases especially the Mongaup and occasionally ocean surfing, as well as practice and play on the ever-flowing Delaware.

While on the rivers, experienced paddlers will gladly give useful hints to better boating. We even have instructors who assist with pool session rolling and practice during the winter and schedule various formal instruction trips throughout the paddling season. Pool sessions have usually run November to the end of March in Garfield NJ. Pool sessions  are a great way to get started with whitewater. Learn to roll and control a boat in a warm, safe environment. KCCNY even has loaner gear to get you started.

Off the river, KCCNY is noted for our longstanding efforts at conservation and river access. We also raise and donate funds to organizations such as American Rivers and American Whitewater to help their programs in river conservation and paddler access.

We also raise money to get folks into the sport including training and loaner whitewater gear.

Join us.