KCCNY Board Meeting – 07/08/2024

Secretary: Sean Kraft

Attending: Sean Kraft, Tom Hart, Frank Chiocco, Mike Fine, Peter Nolan, Eric Werner, Andrea Dover, Sean Creamer, Andy Laiosa, Melissa Spooner, Mandy Darlington

The meeting starts at eight 8 pm.

    1. Approve the last meeting’s (5/13) minutes. Note Bylaw Revisions posted but had some formatting issues
    2. Activities: Peter Nolan
      • Use code waiveredatleast for  $1 guest memberships.
      • Mongaups…come-on folks. Step up. If you haven’t coordinated this year, what is the problem you have?
        • July 28th – possibly Sean, August 18th – Erik, September 7th – possibly Mike Fine
      • Lehigh schedule: https://www.nap.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Francis-E-Walter-Dam/Flow-Management-Plan-Schedule/
        • July:  20, 21, 27, 28; August: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24*, 25*, 31*; September: 1*
        • August 24th, 25th mini-mega – Frank.
      • We have Mohawk group site for Deerfieldfest. Robin Ahrens, former member has moved to Mass and can probably take over our registion, but any one else know a  Mass residents who might be attending who can register? Mass charges nearly 3 times as much for out of state. (AMC has a conflict so we’ll be hard pressed to fill the site).
        • $40 vs $100 per night – saves us $60
      • Could pour end of week with remnants of Beryl.
      • Try to get more beginner stuff going
        • Eric had good rolling day at Green Turtle Lake
    3.  Website: Tom Hart. Feedback?
      1. Some programming issues
        1. Possible to register for multiple first trips
    4. Feasting and Annual Dinner: Frank for Food Chair (formerly annual dinner) with budget
      1. Might want to buy less food
      2. We don’t have NJ non-profit paperwork, so we don’t know IEN and can’t get restaurant depot card to buy cheaper food
      3. August 10th 2B BBQ to be put on by Eagle Creek
        1. Tom to tell them to have it at the Make-Out Takeout
    5. Finance: Tom Hart
      As our last several treasurers used to say, we have money. For more details, please see:
      Profit and Loss
      Balance Sheet
      Question: Membership suspension/downgrade for failure to pay. or example, folks who just show up at a camping trip. Full member doesn’t pay $20, gets downgraded to low income, low income gets downgraded to non-paddling (because chasing folks is a pain and not something your finance chair wants to do).

      1. Membership: Erik Werner
        Tom would like to see membership packet with stickers, cards.

        Full Membership 116
        Guest went 1 time 63
        Full no waiver 10
        Low-income 10
        Youth 6
        Guest went 2 times 5
        Life Member 5
        Non-paddler 4
        Guest 1st trip 3
        Guest went 3 times 1
        Youth No Waiver 1
      2. CIT Bank, Syncrony, Betterment – might be banks to look into with higher interest rates.
    6. Publicity/Publications: Sean Creamer
      Evergreen brochure assembled by Keith. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ajl66pCDDOs7wn0GQTtm1IDNkib7_RmU/view?usp=sharing
      Melissa said she’d make changes at last meeting.
    7. Safety: Sean Kraft
      CURRENT INSURANCE Paddlesport Risk Management.(Please explain again how we are good with current insurance and 131 insured members).
      Directors and officer’s (D&O) – Paddlesport Risk Management purchased for  $816 annual for 1 Million in coverage. If anyone wants to review the details here’s the actual contract.

      1. Sean to review insurance number with Maria
    8. Conservation/Access: Tom Hart
      Questions as to how to get feedback such as for rescheduling of Mongaup.
      Esopus – Loretta taking lead in working with  Bob Nasdor from American Whitewater and Myles Gordon.
      Mongaup. BBQ with Eagle Creek Aug. 10th. Top or bottom? Bottom.
    9. Training/Instruction: Andy Liaosa
      Reminder of previously approved program we put together for training.
      https://kccny.org/training-for-trips/. Never heard from  Alex and Hannah for step up in the Adirondacks.
      Danny Siger?
    10. Equipment: Christopher Dubetsky
      Plan to sell old non-adjusteable creeker to be replaced by welded donated Large creeker.
      Keith Cooper has offered to sell his Star inflatable single (1k) and double ( 2k), 2 paddles to club for $1000.Thoughts especially on getting them put away clean and storing?
      Raft and accessories were purchased.

      1. Frank may do Dead river on July 20th
        Reminder: Member to club online form is live. KCCNY EQUIPMENT LOAN AGREEMENT Member to KCCNY .
      2. We need to look into storage for boats that may be nearer where we boat, possibly multiple places.
    11. Pool Sessions: Mark Voorhees.

Announcements: Sean Kraft

New Business

Close meeting


  1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes
    1. Approved
  2. Motion to buy inflatable kayaks from Keith Cooper for $1000 – these come in a duffle bag with a pump.
    1. We need to plan on instructions for people to take care of these
    2. Seconded by Frank – All approved.
  3. Close meeting