Middle Moose River (Class 3)

Middle Moose River (Class 3)

Sat, Oct 19 - Sun, Oct 20 All Day
All Day
Come boat with us at Moosefest 2024! Lots of options this weekend depending on skill level. There are Class IV and V sections of the Moose, but we’re offering a 8.5-9 mile Class III paddle, with some optional III+/IVs. Coordinator: Andrea Dover .
Creeking Step up clinic -date TBD

Creeking Step up clinic -date TBD

Sun, Oct 20 - Fri, Nov 8 All Day
All Day
Creeking Coordinator: Andrew Frey .
Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)

Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)

Sun, Oct 20 All Day
All Day
Mongaup - 1, Fun for everyone. Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)

Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)

Sat, Oct 26 All Day
All Day
Mongaup - 1, Fun for everyone. Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Tohickon (Class 3)

Tohickon (Class 3)

Sat, Nov 2 - Sun, Nov 3 All Day
All Day
The Tohickon is the last northeast release of the year and the traditional end of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river. Coordinator: Peter Nolan .
Tohickon (Class 3) Rafting

Tohickon (Class 3) Rafting

Sat, Nov 2 - Sun, Nov 3 All Day
All Day
The Tohickon is the last northeast release of the year and the traditional end of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river. Coordinator: Frank Chiocco .
Annual Meeting (save the date)

Annual Meeting (save the date)

Sat, Nov 9 All Day
All Day
Location will most likely be in suburban NJ or NY with time, cost all TBD, but we'll talk about club stuff then talk about paddling [...] Coordinator: Coordinator to be determined .


Fri, May 2 - Sun, May 4 All Day
All Day
Cheat Fest is the annual celebration hosted by Friends of the Cheat on the banks of the Cheat River. Boaters, music lovers, and families enjoy a day full of live music, dancing, art, vendors, and fun. Coordinator: Tom Hart .