KCCNY traditionally donates most of our ‘profit’ at the end of the year to organizations that further our cause. The allocation is normally proposed by the conservation committee and approved at the annual meeting.

Profit comes from membership dues, pool session and in 2021, instructional profits.

Many folks also make voluntary additional donations when joining or renewing.

American WhitewawaterIt is our belief that these large group donations allow us to have more clout with organizations whose interests partially align with ours. Most notably, American Whitewater has put a lot of effort into the Mongaup reliscensing which as of late 2021 is still not completely approved to get more and bigger releases and get them scheduled to local paddlers benefit. For example, in 2021, the schedule was adjusted so that June and July releases were on weekend the Lehigh wasn’t releasing.

  • American-RiversIn 2021 we donated $500 to American Whitewater and $250 to American Rivers.
  • In 2020 we donated $750 to AW, $250 to AR and $250 to the Sparrowbush Rescue Dept., to closest department to the Mongaup.