
Sat, Mar 29 - Sat, Apr 5 


Erik Werner
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


$17.00 - $35.00
Book Now


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Garfield Boys and Girls Club Pool
490 Midland Ave., Garfield, NJ, 07026

Event Type

All remaining two-hour pool sessions from 2 to 4 pm to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we’ve had for years.

Every Saturday till the first weekend in April.

To purchase single tickets go to the pool session you first want to attend.

See our pool page for all rules and procedures.

KCCNY membership required (no guests). Not transferable. No credit for missed sessions.



For on water activities, book only for the signed in user (for insurance reasons).

You must be a logged in and waivered member or guest to register for an event. Login, Join or Renew or come as a guest. If you are seeing this after logging in, try reloading this page or check your membership status.