
Sat, Jan 25 


John Scelba
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Garfield Boys and Girls Club Pool
490 Midland Ave., Garfield, NJ, 07026

Event Type

Playboating will consist of learning drills and concepts to help paddlers progress into the world of playboating. We will work on proper paddle stroke technique using torso rotation, and learn how to move the boat in three-dimensions. We will cover bow and stern smashes, flat spins and lean cleans. We will work on edging control and slicing to pivot turns and double pumps. Participants should have a reliable roll.

More advanced playboaters can join as well as the instructors will cater the class to the level of the people who sign up.

It is important to bring the smallest boat you can fit into. Playboats and full slice boats only, please. The instructors and the club have a number of appropriate boats available for loan on a first come first serve basis.

Taught by the Mongaup’s best, John ‘NJ Boofer’.

Plan on meeting at 1 (an hour before the pool session) to 1 hour before the pool session time to review concepts/theory and maybe watch some videos together in the parking lot (or a nearby location if the weather is nasty).  Part of warm ups will include laps paddling forward and backward which is difficult if we start late.

Limited to 5 participants.

To attend you must register for the pool session separately (and if you don’t register for the pool we reserve the right to bump you).

Contact the coordinator to learn more, see if you can borrow an appropriate boat or register.

Nose plugs are highly recommended.


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