
Sun, Dec 4 


Tom Hart
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Event Type

Learn to teach rolling class taught be our own Andy Lioasa  We’ll do an hour of discussion and then go to the pool. We’ll be meeting beforehand at a local restaurant, likely Huddle House, 17 Outwater Lane, Garfield, a few blocks from the Y.

Open to anyone with a roll willing to learn and practice what they teach.

Successful graduates who teach 1 person to roll will receive a coupon for 1 free pool session (i.e. $20 good for any kccny event).
Registration required and seperate pool session registration required for the Dec. 4th session.
(Bring extra neoprene as you stand around more in the water teaching rolling then a normal pool session).

Here’s the plan:
Intros and discuss goals of the student and instructor Attitude/fitness level – student/instructor
Experienced vs new boater Proper equipment/boat fit/dry sprayskirt/use of props
Philosophy behind the roll
Hip snaps/t-rescues/boat wiggles
To stand or not to stand, that is the question
Summary then to The Pool to put into practice what we discussed. Let’s all get wet and have some fun!

This is not a certification, but will be a good start for those interested in taking advantage of KCCNY’s Alexander grant to become certified as an ACA instructor.


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