Housatonic River Bulls Bridge
This is a frequently run section with a solid class 4 start. Details are on bullsbridge.info . At higher levels there are a number of bad holes, so this section should not be attempted without a good guide or mad skills.
Ken Lockwood Gorge (South Branch of the Raritan River)
A flow-dependent boulder garden in between Califon and High Bridge in Lebanon Township, New Jersey. At lower levels, it is a technical Class II river. At higher levels, it is mostly waves and holes. Be on the lookout for strainers, especially near the two islands.
Lehigh River - Glen Onoko
A big parking area running for nearly 1/2 mile commonly used to run the lower from Rockport If meeting here make sure you know which [...]
Lehigh River - White Haven
The Lehigh is a great beginning whitewater river with frequent and well attended summer releases.
River Classification *II – III
Lehigh River Rockport
Another big parking lot though not as crazy as White Haven, and Glen Onoko. If meeting here make sure you know where and how. If [...]