Playboating Clinic

Playboating Clinic

Sat, Mar 29

Garfield, NJ
Playboating clinic at the pool session. Learn edge control, stalls, and other skills in a controlled environment that should translate to greater skills on the river. Taught by the Mongaup's best, John 'NJ Boofer'.
Coordinator: John Scelba .
Penultimate Pool Session

Penultimate Pool Session

Sat, Mar 29

Garfield, NJ
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years. 
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
All Remaining Pool Sessions

All Remaining Pool Sessions

Sat, Mar 29 - Sat, Apr 5

Garfield, NJ
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years. 
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Final Pool Session

Final Pool Session

Sat, Apr 5

Garfield, NJ
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years. 
Coordinator: Mark Voorhees .
Whitewater Swimmer &  Gear Recovery

Whitewater Swimmer & Gear Recovery

Sat, Apr 5

Garfield, NJ
Basic whitewater safety items that can make coordinating or assisting with trips easier and safer include boat plowing, paddling, carrying someone else’s paddles, and towing people.
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Mongaup - 2 Barrel release (II+)

Mongaup - 2 Barrel release (II+)

Sun, Apr 27

Sparrow Bush, New York
Mongaup - 2 barrel -1st official release
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .


Fri, May 2 - Sun, May 4

Albright, WV
Cheat Fest is the annual celebration hosted by Friends of the Cheat on the banks of the Cheat River. Boaters, music lovers, and families enjoy a day full of live music, dancing, art, vendors, and fun.
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Pre-Mother's Day 'Mom'gaup (2 Barrel)

Pre-Mother's Day 'Mom'gaup (2 Barrel)

Sat, May 10

Sparrow Bush, New York
Mongaup - 2 barrel
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
KCCNY Business Meeting

KCCNY Business Meeting

Mon, May 12

Board meeting open to all members. Online with possible in person option. Join us - there's lots that needs to be done and lots more that can be done (if you want to do it)!
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Stonycreek Rendezvous (Class 3-4)

Stonycreek Rendezvous (Class 3-4)

Fri, May 16

Stoneycreek Rendezvous weekend! This is a class 3+ River with lots of play. Camping will be at the Rendezvous site which features a lighted surf [...]
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .
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