
Sat, Aug 10  Most events start in the morning. We want folks to register and then allow coordinators to decide if folks have the skill and equipment for the trip. Exact meeting time is usually sent out via email the night before or earlier.


John Scelba
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings not enabled


Location may be approximate. Approved partipants should be contacted by coordinator if different.

Mongaup River
837-811 NY-97, Lumberland, New York, 12780, Northeast

Event Type

John and Jason will be putting on an Advanced Play-boating clinic for folks who graduated from thier pool session clinics or already have some play-boating skills. Bring a full slice or small playboat, noseplugs and eagerness to spend time underwater.

For those who want to learn to playboat, learning advanced edge control in flat water is a precursor to dealing with it in moving water. John has put together this learning to Playboat instructional video set to get you started.

This is part of the First annual and very informal MongaupFest. A 2 barrel release followed by a BBQ sponsored by Eagle Creek, the Mongaup Dam operators*, camping at a member Jason Albert’s property 20 minutes away and a float on Sunday.

mongaup bbq 2023 at the old bridge

The property is about 2o minute from the Mongaup with composting toilets and no running water. Camping Friday and Saturday night. Alcohol and other NJ legal substances allowed, but this is a family event. If you imbibe, do so in moderation. Contact Jason Albert directly for more info or to sign up for camping.
More details or if you’d like to join the regular Mongaup trip, sign up on the Mongaup 2 Barrel (II+).

KCCNY has a trip floating the Delaware on Sunday





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