
Sun, Mar 19 


Mark Voorhees
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Garfield Boys and Girls Club Pool
490 Midland Ave., Garfield, NJ, 07026

Event Type

2 hour pool session to try  everything from basic handling to advanced playboating to working on that all important roll.

Pool sessions continue every Sunday  from 2.30-4.30 until the end of March.

$3 late registration surcharge on single day purchases. Register before noon (to allow admins to have time to check folks in).

Many of the regulars are skilled boaters who will be glad to offer (usually good and helpful) advice.
Loaner equipment is available with prior arrangement.
Clean your equipment.

See pool page for all rules and procedures.


You must be a logged in and waivered member or guest to register for an event. Login, Join or Renew or come as a guest. If you are seeing this after logging in, try reloading this page or check your membership status.