KCCNY – Board Meeting
March 13th, 2023 – 8:oo PM
In attendance – Tom Hart, Sean Kraft, Frank Chiocco, Mike Fine, Jesse Koproski, Chana Frommer, Keith Cooper, Chris Magro, Andy Laiosa
- Chana Frommer does stretching for kayaking exercises and answers questions.
Intro: Tom Hart
Approval of previous minutes:
- Done, see motions below
Pool Sessions: Mark Voorhees (Tom speaking for Mark)
- We lost about $500 on the pool this season
- Had about 20-30 weekly at the pool
Finance Frank Chiocco:
- Present balance sheet and revised budget
- Frank says that figures match roughly last year
- Tom to talk offline with Frank to make sure he understands
- Paypal is costing us a lot of money. Venmo may be a better idea. [Tom notes: After review PayPal was around 3% + a small transactions fee and is now closer to 2% as we are registered as a non-profit. Going to be hard to beat].
Membership Keith Cooper:
Guests- What to do if they don’t want to pay.
Tom Hart is proposing simplifying membership. Stay with $50 year for adults,$25 year for youth/limited income. MOTION NEEDED.
Activities Peter Nolan:
Getting more trips on schedule.
Do we want to allow members to be able to post trips and have them active immediately?
Publicity/ Publications Melissa Spooner:
working in Italy right now unable to attend.
Google address will do pool in fall. Anyone before then?
Mailchimp dropping number of free contacts to 500. Over 500 will cost about $27/mo. We have about 500 active users.
Tom is admin for the Hudson River any Beyond Meetup (2k+members, $70 for 6 months). KCCNY meetup has been folded.
Safety Sean Kraft:
- Insurance and waivers are done
- Mark has a stack of paper waivers from the pool
- Mark and Frank will get these done on website.
- Mark has a stack of paper waivers from the pool
Training/ Instruction Jesse Koproski:
- AMC doing a beginner weekend mid June. Volunteers wanted for safety on Sunday Delaware trip.
Conservation Keith Cooper: (Anyone interested-has evolved more into an advocacy roll but doesn’t have to be).
Mongaup relicensing has been submitted to FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) but we won’t get our 30 releases until/unless it’s officially approved. Likely will get approved this year so likely 30 releases next year. (No idea if we’ll get more this year).
Significant work to be done on Adirondack releases, Esopus.
Equipment Christopher Dubetsky:
Keith to show contract for both loaning and borrowing equipment.
Simplest way to start is post them on the website as pdf forms, but open to other suggestions.
Should we purchase a raft or just use Sean’s and see how it goes?
- We’ll try to get a raft going on the first 2B 05/07/23
- Sean reaching out to Chris D. To see if he will guide it
Website Tom Hart:
River Release schedule.
Moving old minutes – Sean will get to working on this after the ski season
- Approval of last meeting’s minutes by Tom, seconded by Keith.
- Approved
- Motion to change payment structure by Tom, seconded by Frank. Stay with $50 year for adults,$25 year for youth/limited income. Remove more complex options and non-active members
- Approved