lead a tripIf you are reading this, then it is probably because you became a member of the KCCNY, presumably for the number of things that the Club has to offer. Maybe you had not paddled at all before taking one of the Club’s beginner classes, or maybe you had paddled a bit and were looking for some instruction on easier rivers. Maybe you were already comfortable with your abilities and progress and were looking for other people to paddle with. Maybe it is because you wanted to go to some pool sessions and work on your roll.
Maybe it is because of the extraordinary number of river trips schedule on the KCCNY site, making it that much easier for all levels of paddlers to be out on a river. Again, these trips do cover a wide range of levels. There are the follow-up instruction trips on easy rivers for those who are fresh out of a beginner class, to the intermediate level river run. There is also a number of more challenging trips on more difficult rivers. Unfortunately, what does not have a wide of range is the small number of people leading these trips! The KCCNY can only maintain the number of choices on the schedule if we have Trip Leaders. As it stands now, this schedule is run by a handful of our members. If you have not volunteered as a Trip Leader then maybe it is because you don’t know if you have what it takes to run a trip. If so, please let me explain.
The fact is we don’t really have Trip Leaders; it is more of being a Trip Coordinator. Even if Andrea isn’t there with her picnic basket of wine, cheese, and crackers, it’s still a lot like planning a picnic. All you need to do is choose a suitable place, announce the trip, and handle the logistics of getting a few people to meet you at the put in. Of course every trip should be made up of a group that is strong enough to fend for themselves, including chasing any swimmers and their gear, but you do not have to be the strongest paddler on the trip to be the Trip Coordinator. Trips where the coordinator is the best or strongest paddler are actually few and far between. If you would be willing to lead a trip, but are not sure that you are ready, or you may have any other concerns than please ask any of us what we think! All you need is to be a competent paddler on at least one river and organize a trip on that river. Example, if you are comfortable paddling the lower, lower Lehigh or the Lackawaxen when someone else is leading the trip, then YOU can probably lead a trip on those rivers!
There is a small amount of paperwork (a couple of short emails, really), and some emails or phone calls with people interested in the trip. One of the big plus’s to volunteering as a Trip Coordinator is that it guarantees that you will be on a river that you presumably wanted to go on, anyway. You can simply find a link to the full details at the top of the trip schedule page or you can go directly to: Responsibilities of Coordinator
Again, whatever your reasons were for joining the KCCNY you had to have figured out the Club had something to offer you that was more valuable than the paltry annual membership dues.
If you love this sport as much as I do and have found a home with the KCCNY then you have to realize it is largely due to the efforts of our volunteers. It is because of the Trip Coordinator that continue to make it possible for you and your fellow paddlers to be out on a river enjoying one of life’s most wonderful experiences.
I will look forward to seeing YOU this season and encourage you to – Step up to the river bank as a Trip Coordinator!
Steve M.