In order to encourage more folks to coordinate and for coordinators to up their skills to feel more confident coordinating, KCCNY will pay part of the cost of classes.

Classes to be reimbursed include first aid, CPR, swift-water rescue, and trip leadership.

  1. 50 percent of up to $200 per membership/calendar year* (i.e. $100 reimbursement) without board pre-approval at a rate of $20/per trip coordinated.

Of course you don’t need any training to coordinate…at KCCNY we make it as easy as possible to coordinate.

KCCNY already offers assistance for instructor training.


  1. Takes Zoar demo day buddy rescue course @$30 (which actually sounds cool for basic rescue). No immediate reimbursement. Coordinates Lehigh trip,  submit form, gets $15.
  2. Takes a rescue course for $150. Coordinates 4 trips and submit form. Gets $75 back ($150/2=$75).

The fun begins

Fine print*:

  • You need to be an active KCCNY member.
  • Trips must be in KCCNYs normal paddling area… 200 miles from NYC with exceptions for the Yough, Stoney. More distant trips should be cleared with activities manager.
  • Trips need to be posted at least 10 days ahead for releases and always running rivers (and as far ahead as practical for natural flow).
  • All coordinated trips must be done and submitted within 365 days of course completion.
  • Membership/calendar year meaning if you join in the fall 0f say 2022 you can only collect $100 for $200 in courses without prior approval.
  • *Prior approval is by the activities committee and if they don’t have budget or consensus, then the the officers and then the board.
  • Fill out the form below.  Please allow 1-4 weeks for your reimbursement.

Fill out this form to get reimbursed.

    Payment method preferred