
501 Main St
White Haven

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Note that construction is going on during 2024 as the new launch is finished and work is done on the i80 bridge. Make sure you know the coordinator or at least their vehicle and be prepared to ask direction or just follow the other boaters as you come into White Haven.

A note on the Lehigh shuttling. Participating in the shuttle is part of the trip. With longer shuttles and most KCCNYers having a shorter drive home from one end or the other its tempting to shirk. Failure to help with the shuttle without permission from the coordinator is grounds for not being allowed to participate in the trip or even removal from KCCNY.

The Lehigh is a great beginning whitewater river with frequent and well attended summer releases.
River Classification *II – III.

Nearest City and State *White Haven, PA
Minimum Water Flow Level * 600 cfs (as usual depending on the tolerance for scrapiness). Locals often run lower or play at Glen Onoko.
Maximum Water Flow Level *13000 cfs.

Description *
KCCNY runs trips/events on all or part of 4 sections of the Lehigh. However, only the Upper, from White Haven to Rockport, the Lower, from Rockport to Glen Onoko need be mentioned here as only they can reach 3 or harder levels.

The Army Corps of Engineers, which controls the Francis E. Walter Dam, annually announces plans for projected release levels for weekend releases. This is utilized by rafting companies, who employ experienced guides to accompany their trips.

In addition,  the Lehigh is often runnable following a hard rain.  It is an excellent introduction to Class II-III water (again, depending on river levels) for those ready to take that step.

Final release amounts and durations for white water events will be determined and posted on the Army Corps of Engineers Lehigh Dam webpage and Facebook pages the Wednesday prior to the event.

Evacuation Plan * Park Rangers patrol the river and adjacent trails and could be summoned if emergency assistance is required. There is a rail trail suitable for vehicles and patrolled by the Park Rangers from White Haven to Glen Onoko.

Cell phone service is spotty in the gorge. During nice weekends, help can often be summoned by one of the many bikers on the rail trail.

‘LEHIGH Class 2-3 (3 wanna be) AKA KNEE-High
White Haven to Rockport 9 miles
300+ CFS ELF Run (EXTREMELY LOW FLOW) Doable Scrape fest but you gotta want it bad.
400 CFS Rafts start running.
500 CFS Generally Accepted Good Low Level for NOVICE fun.
750 CFS Dam Release Level
1000 CFS The flat water gets better.
2000+ CFS, Class 3, Bring a longer boat for surfs.
3000+ good roll or strong class 3 skills as water starts to flow thru trees and getting out from swims gets dangerous. Though mostly avoidable, holes are getting pretty substantial.
Rockport to Glen Onoko Class 2-3 Better Rapids than upper section.
500 CFS Runs will leave your back longing for the end.
1000-2000 CFS Much better to run this long section of 12-ish miles.
Shuttle from hell don’t meet at White Haven and decide to do the lower section.


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