The Tohickon is the first northeast release of the year and the traditional start of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river, but the spring release’s cold water makes is less forgiving to swims or multiple rolls…i.e. even if the pool sessions have been going well Spring Toh is not a good time to step up. Rolling in near freezing water with little visibility is no joke.
We’ll have at least well well-guided trip for first-timers Toher’s who are comfortable on Class 3.
Camping at take-out if the Delaware isn’t flooding.
Release is official – PA DNR release announcement
Registration will be opened up when we have a good guess on it happening. We hope to reschedule the pool session this weekend if the Toh happens.
If everything checks out we’ll probably start with 2 groups with Peter Nolan offering a well guided early start and others coming from further starting later, so added 2 sign ups.
For on water activities, book only for the signed in user (for insurance reasons).
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