
Sat, Jun 24 - Sun, Jun 25  Most events start in the morning. We want folks to register and then allow coordinators to decide if folks have the skill and equipment for the trip. Exact meeting time is usually sent out via email the night before or earlier.


Tom Hart
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Location may be approximate. Approved partipants should be contacted by coordinator if different.

Lehigh River - Glen Onoko
Lehigh Gorge State Park 1 D and L Trail, Jim Thorpe, PA, 18229

Event Type

River Safety and Rescue Class Level 2-3 with Wayne G-man.

Rivers can be dangerous and taking a safety class would save your (or someone else’s) life.

Level 2-3 is a necessary before taking level 4 but it’s recommended.

$150 for a weekend is pretty reasonable.

Not a kccny event but highly recommended. Contact Wayne directly at waynegman at aol dot com to register or for more info.