
Sat, Dec 9 


John Scelba
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Garfield Boys and Girls Club Pool
490 Midland Ave., Garfield, NJ, 07026

Event Type

Playboating clinic at the pool session. Learn edge control, stalls, and other skills in a controlled environment that should translate to greater skills on the river.

Taught by the Mongaup’s best, John ‘NJ Boofer’ and Jason Albert.

Limited to 10 participants.

Solid roll and full slice or spud boat required. The instructors and the club have a number of appropriate boats available for loan on a first come first serve basis.

To attend you must register for the pool session separately (and if you don’t register for the pwe reserve the right to bump you).

Contact John ‘NJ Boofer’ or  Jason Albert  to learn more, see if you can borrow an appropriate boat or register.

This is the first of several sessions with future dates to be determined.

Nose plugs are highly recommended.