
Fri, May 2 - Sun, May 4  Most events start in the morning. We want folks to register and then allow coordinators to decide if folks have the skill and equipment for the trip. Exact meeting time is usually sent out via email the night before or earlier.


Coordinator 2B Determined
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Cheat River
Albright Rd, Albright, WV, 26519

Event Type

Bluegrass and whitewater. What’s not to love.

Bands from all over Appalachia will entertain crowds with live music.

The Cheat River Festival is the primary fundraiser of the year for Friends of the Cheat.

Details of the festival at cheatfest.org.

As usual with festivals at best we’ll try to carpool together and have guides for some of the paddling. Mostly class 3 or 4. More family friendly than most festivals.

According to Rich Katz, at normal levels,  a dryway paddler should be fine.
Upper big Sandy is a class 3.
Cheat narrows class 2-3.   (AW says 3-4)
Lower Big Sandy full class 4 includes 18ft falls (wonder falls).

This is just a recommended event and not currently a club event.. And it’s a long trip with notoriously rough launches so higher clearance vehicle needed.

Possible paddling to and from on the Yough.
Be prepared for rain and mud.


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