
Sat, Mar 9 


Tom Hart
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Garfield Boys and Girls Club Pool
490 Midland Ave., Garfield, NJ, 07026

Event Type

We’ll spend part of the pool session working on some basic whitewater safety items that can make coordinating (and participating in) trips easier and safer:
towing people and
hand of god rescues
‘yard sale cleanup’ like boat flipping and plowing, paddle throwing and paddling with 2 paddles and possibly throw ropes.

The idea is give folks practice with skills that will help them coordinate/assist, especially cleaning up yard sales as so often happens on beginning whitewater trips.

Here’s videos of the most complex parts,
Boat flipping. youtube.com/watch?v=NC5vQE8Ftnk and
Hand of God, youtube.com/watch?v=On8uTxgPPA4

You’ll need to register for the pool session separately, but if cost is an issue (and you commit to coordinating) contact us.

We’ll follow up with:

 Zoom session on safety and how to make coordinating easy including using the website to submit and administer a trip, post-trip injury procedures….
And finally, on water day to go over the above in real life and moving water as well as some safety that can only be practiced in water like wading, moving water boat plowing and real-world rescues…perhaps a 1 barrel mongaup.
As a disclaimer, this is only a small taste of what you get in a proper whitewater rescue and safety course such as the ones Wayne Gman teaches or outdoor schools like Zoar teach and we highly recommend (and will assist with the cost).


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