
Sat, Nov 12 


Frank Chiocco
Non-members can come as a guest,join or renew or contact us for more info.


Bookings closed. Contact the coordinator if you need more information.


Location may be approximate. Approved participants should be contacted by the coordinator if different.

Event Type

KCCNY Annual Meeting  1 pm followed by Annual Dinner  3pm.
$30 pp for KCCNY members, $33 for non-members,  meeting only no charge.

Annual Meeting 1 pm at Whiskey Roads in Little Ferry under a tent.
Doors open at 12:00 pm with coffee and snacking food (and adult beverages available at the bar).
There will be a zoom option but it won’t be the same as being there.

In the annual meeting we elect  officers and new board members, hear from committee chairs and approve budget and make some important decisions about insurance.
(Please contact us if you’d like items added to the agenda or questions about the meeting).

Agenda and zoom link posted at kccny.com/2/MeetingAgenda.aspx.

bjs-foodDinner starts at 3pm – with Hors D’Oeuvres at the (cash) bar followed by a continuous buffet.

Cost does not include beverages, pay as you go.

Mass transit accessible by NJ Transit train to Teterboro. 4/10 mile walk but we should be able to pick you up as well. Please don’t let transit keep you from coming. Likely we’ll have folks driving thru Manhattan and coming from Brooklyn.

Whiskey Roads isn’t quite as convenient by train but has great bus service and we’ll get you there. Please contact us if you are worried about transportation.

Not a member- Join at kccny.com


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