Any KCCNY members can coordinate.
Mar 2025

Playboating Clinic
Playboating clinic at the pool session. Learn edge control, stalls, and other skills in a controlled environment that should translate to greater skills on the river. Taught by the Mongaup's best, John 'NJ Boofer'.
Coordinator: John Scelba .
Coordinator: John Scelba .

Penultimate Pool Session
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years.
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

All Remaining Pool Sessions
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years.
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Apr 2025

Final Pool Session
2 two-hour pool sessions to try everything from basic handling to advanced play-boating to working on that all-important roll at the same spacious Garfield Pool we've had for years.
Coordinator: Mark Voorhees .
Coordinator: Mark Voorhees .

Whitewater Swimmer & Gear Recovery
Basic whitewater safety items that can make coordinating or assisting with trips easier and safer include boat plowing, paddling, carrying someone else’s paddles, and towing people.
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Coordinator: Tom Hart .

Mongaup - 2 Barrel release (II+)
Mongaup - 2 barrel -1st official release
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .
May 2025

Cheat Fest is the annual celebration hosted by Friends of the Cheat on the banks of the Cheat River. Boaters, music lovers, and families enjoy a day full of live music, dancing, art, vendors, and fun.
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Pre-Mother's Day 'Mom'gaup (2 Barrel)
Mongaup - 2 barrel
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .

KCCNY Business Meeting
Board meeting open to all members. Online with possible in person option. Join us - there's lots that needs to be done and lots more that can be done (if you want to do it)!
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .

Stonycreek Rendezvous (Class 3-4)
Stoneycreek Rendezvous weekend! This is a class 3+ River with lots of play. Camping will be at the Rendezvous site which features a lighted surf [...]
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .

First 1 barrel Mongaup (II)
Less pushy then 2 barrels but still plenty of fun. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2 to get used [...]
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Lehigh Later Start
Avoid the crowds and paddle in the warmest time of the day with a late starting Lehigh. A great step up for beginners but fun for experienced paddlers.
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .

Mongaup (II)
Less pushing and exciting but still plenty of fun. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2. It's a great chance [...]
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Jun 2025

Lehigh with camping
Normal release - Great for beginners but still plenty of fun for better paddlers. Camping at Hickory Run Group campsites.
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Lehigh Later Start
Avoid the crowds and paddle in the warmest time of the day with a late starting Lehigh. A great step up for beginners but fun for experienced paddlers.
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .
Coordinator: Christopher Dubetsky .

Mongaup 2 Barrel (II)
2 barrels of fun and most likely warm air and nearly warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2. [...]
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Coordinator: Tom Hart .

Pride on the River with camping (II,IV)
We have group camping at Savoy. KCCNY and this event is committed to providing a safe and inclusive space for all individuals to enjoy the joy of paddlesports while celebrating diversity and unity.
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Jul 2025

Mongaup 2 Barrel (II+)
2 barrels of fun and most likely warm air and warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2. Great [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Level 2/3 Swiftwater Rescue Training
2 day swift-water course. It's never too early - or too late - in your whitewater career to take a swiftwater course. You'll learn how [...]
Coordinator: Wayne Gman .
Coordinator: Wayne Gman .

KCCNY Business Meeting
Board meeting open to all members. Online with possible in person option. Join us - there's lots that needs to be done and lots more that can be done (if you want to do it)!
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .

Mongaup 2 Barrel (II+)
2 barrels of fun and most likely warm air and warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2. Great [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Lehigh with camping
Normal release - Great for beginners but still plenty of fun for better paddlers. Camping at Hickory Run Group campsites.
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)
Not as pushy as 2 barrels and most likely warm air and warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Aug 2025

Lehigh with camping
Normal release - Great for beginners but still plenty of fun for better paddlers. Camping at Hickory Run Group campsites.
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .

Mongaup 1 Barrel (II)
Not as pushy as 2 barrels and most likely warm air and warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Hudson River Gorge
2 days on the Hudson Gorge with primitive camping near the putin for those that like that sort of thing. Class 3 but you need [...]
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Coordinator: Tom Hart .

Mongaup 2 Barrel (II+)
2 barrels of fun and most likely warm air and warm water. Generally better to try a 1 barrel before stepping up to 2. Great [...]
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .
Coordinator: Coordinator 2B Determined .

Lehigh Mini-mega with camping
The Lehigh.... Our classic class 2. Beautiful, great beginner run with plenty of play to entertain the more experienced. Where would you rather be on [...]
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Coordinator: Erik Werner .
Sep 2025

KCCNY Business Meeting
Board meeting open to all members. Online with possible in person option. Join us - there's lots that needs to be done and lots more that can be done (if you want to do it)!
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Coordinator: Sean Kraft .
Oct 2025

Lehigh Mega
Usually several days of big waves and avoidable big holes. Lots of thrill without much risk, fall colors. Glamping at Hickory Run Group campsites - fan favorites as they essentially have no back, so you can pitch your tent as far back in the Pennsyltucky woods as you dare and not be kept up by rambunctious fellow campers.
Coordinator: Tom Hart .
Coordinator: Tom Hart .

Escape from Zomgaup 4
4th annual 'Zomgaup' race*. We'll also have a club trip and a BBQ at the end as part of the awards ceremony. Fun for the whole family.
Coordinator: John Scelba .
Coordinator: John Scelba .
Nov 2025

Tohickon (III)
The Tohickon is the first northeast release of the year and the traditional start of the paddling season for many. A great step up river with drops not normally found on a class 3 river
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .
Coordinator: Peter Nolan .