In case you haven’t figured it out by now, KCCNY is primarily a whitewater club.
To advocate for whitewater we partner with American Whitewater, and KCCNY maintains a club membership which allows our members to join AW at the discounted affiliated club price.
We also partner with local clubs that share our joy of paddling and the outdoors. We believe that clubs are the best way to get into paddling safely, to continue to enjoy paddling and to pay it forward by mentoring others.
KCCNY members generally are able to attend these club’s trips at their member pricing, and KCCNY offers a discounted guest membership fee to these clubs so their members can attend a pool session or try paddling with us (for up to 3 events) at our member price.
Partner club members are supplied with a code and asked to verify club membership as well as promote our pool sessions and partnership.
Our pool sessions are good for practicing open water rescues. Our pool is normally a bit crowded so not a good place for a fragile boat or to learn strokes We also have a bunch of loaner whitewater boats that can be used to learn rolling . Once paddlers have got a good roll they can roll almost any sea or whitewater kayak.
KCCNY can also add partner club events of interest to our members to our website.
If your club would like to join our partner program please contact us.
Appalachian Mountain Club offers numerous easier whitewater trips as well as longer trips, sea kayaking, hiking and backpacking and serves as a major advocate for conservation and access in the northeast. KCCNY offers a discounted guest membership to AMC members- contact the NY paddling chair for details.
Inwood Canoe Club paddles out of their clubhouse in northern Manhattan, offering free community paddles during the summer and an active sea kayaking program. KCCNY offers a discounted guest membership to Inwood members- contact your commodore for details.